How to Join Nebula Spring Rain Initiative?

Step 1

Use Web3 Wallet (BSC Nerwork only) to Enter Nebula Website

Step 2

Click to connect MetaMask wallet

Step 3

Enter password and approve the authorization

Step 4

After approval, enter your nickname to complete registeration

Step 5

After registration, click AIRDROP

Step 6

Click EARN POINTS to Earn Twitter Bind page.

Step 7

Click START NOW to bind your Twitter Account.

Step 8

Clcik CONNECT ACCOUNT to enter Twitter page

Step 9

Click Authorize App to Complete bind.

Step 10

After Bind, you can start your Nebula Trip!

Make a tweet with #Nebula & $nBNB as well as @NebulaBNB, then you earn your points!

Step 11

Back to the airdrop page, and click MY POINTS

Step 12

Check your points, the points will be exchanged to $nBNB-P token in the next monday.

Tip: You can authorize the update of points data here after original, retweeted or quoted tweets

Last updated